Varicose veins of small pelvis: symptoms, causes, treatment

When people led a more active lifestyle, move more, pathology of such a plan was a rarity. Office work, moving in transport has led to the fact that a man has to solve many different problems connected with health. Among the different pathologies can be noted varicose veins of the pelvis. This abnormality is associated with a significant reduction in the total elasticity of the veins.

varicose veins of small pelvis

The disease is more common in women who have reached reproductive age. The reason for the disease is the reverse of the reflux of the blood, which is caused by the increase of the uterus. As the phenomenon is often exacerbated in the process of changes, hormonal, body changes such as during pregnancy.

Is manifested by varicose veins of the pelvis little pain, if a woman is a long time. Mild discomfort may occur during sex, under heavy loading. In the more advanced forms of the disease can cover the crotch area, and buttocks and even vulva.

Causes and risk possible

The reasons for the emergence of this pathology like varicose pelvis, can be attributed to the characteristics the ratio of hormones in women. Between the bases, which leads to the formation of pathology, can be identified:

  1. Hormonal means;
  2. The use of hormonal contraceptives;
  3. Numerous interrupt sexual intercourse as protection from unintended pregnancy;
  4. Lack of orgasm;
  5. Many consecutive generations;
  6. Job sitting or a serious stress on the body physically;
  7. A variety of congenital problems, such as weakness of the veins, their walls.

Important! Varicose veins of the pelvis is quite often observed in pregnant women. Pathology develops in 30% of cases. Worth the most attention on their overall health.

The risk groups include patients who have a predisposition to constant inflammation of the organs in the pelvis. Often pathology develops after or on the basis of diseases such as tumors, cysts or endometriosis. If a woman is present a high concentration of the substance estrogen, it also belongs to the group of risk.

Signs and symptoms

Varicose veins varicose veins in the pelvis are characterized by symptoms such as pain of different intensity, everything depends on health. Quite often the patient is faced with acute unpleasant premenstrual syndrome. Many have noted the sensitivity of the entire perineum , the presence of a strong discharge, and violation of menstruation.

Can be a violation in the process of urination and a slight sense of weight in pelvic region, especially if the patient is a long time in the same position.

For each patient with their own characteristic symptoms. They may be present all together or some of them, and different can be their degree of difficulty. In other words, the varicose veins of the pelvis, are manifested in different ways.

Features classification pathology

Before you start with the treatment of such diseases as varicose veins of small pelvis in women, the specialist determines the degree of the varicose veins of the pelvis.

Currently there are three main levels of diseases, that differ in width to the diameter of the damaged veins, also has the value of the total localization of major injuries.

So there are three categories and the extent of the expansion:

  • The first level indicators of a diameter equal to 5 mm, and course of the vessel resembles a corkscrew.
  • The second degree of the varicose veins can reach 6-10 mm in diameter, may be someone ectasia special plexus of the ovary.
  • The third degree. Here the vein diameter 10 mm, as well as localization, can be with the parameters and trunk.

In direct proportion with the level of development of the pathology, the chosen certain methods for the appropriate treatment. This can be a simple way of life changes or surgical intervention. In the first two stages complete recovery occurs after the course of conventional conservative treatment. The doctors in this case, the prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, diet and special exercises.

With the development of the disease up to the third degree, the specialist often resorts to modern surgical methods of treatment. It can be ligation and embolization of the large veins.

As determined by pathology

To rely solely on the complaint of the patient, the physician has no right, as the symptoms, very similar to many diseases gynecological in nature.

For the diagnosis and the degree of its development, for the following measures:

reasons for the appearance of varicose veins
  • Review of all organs in the pelvis.
  • Dopplerography of all vessels to check the damage.
  • Laparoscopy, with possible ligation of the ovarian veins.
  • Ultrasonic professional research. Be carried out through the abdominal wall, and also from the vagina.
  • X-ray examination or venography.
  • You can perform computed tomography if necessary to clarify the diagnosis.
  • Uterine phlebography, that is, professional penetrating diagnostic method.

Such methods allow to establish a diagnosis, exclusion of other diseases. To conduct a more accurate diagnosis can effectively prevent the ill-treatment.

In the process of implementation of the measures related to the elimination of the disease, it is worth to remember that the presence of varicose veins in the pelvis can cause a predisposition to the general processes of the varicose veins of the whole body. Accordingly it is necessary to correct day regimen and way of life. To surgical techniques is resorted to in extreme cases. If you have set the varicose veins of the pelvis, the overall treatment of the skillful and elaborate it should be.

General treatment

Taking into account the characteristics of such diseases as varicose veins of the pelvis, the treatment is to achieve certain results. It is important to bring back to normal the overall tone of the veins, it is necessary to prevent stagnation in the vessels, to efficiently prevent relapses.

In accordance with these objectives and tasks are developed a number of specific measures aimed precisely at eliminating this disease.

Among the main therapeutic manipulation include:

  1. Diet.
  2. Gymnastics.
  3. Drugs.
  4. Assigned compression sock underwear.
  5. The use of ointments from varicose veins, and special funds.

All types of scheduled events associated with the treatment are selected strictly individually. Each of the schemes relates to their specific categories, each of which will be described in more detail.

Conservative treatment

If we describe the conservative treatment of veins and vessels of the small pelvis, it can be noted that it is in the direction of complete elimination of the symptoms of the disease. Mandatory made special evidence in the daily life of the patient. This is necessary in order to establish a balance between rest and activity. Developed a proper diet, the use of special loads.

Professionals strongly recommend to control the time when the patient is in an upright position. As a Supplement can be assigned to these effective medications.

Diet and nutrition

Mandatory practitioner reviews of the diet of the patient. In the development of the power specifically excludes such products that contains a great amount of fat. Also, excluded drinks that contain alcohol. Preference is given to products that contain high amounts of fiber, healthy fats. Vegetables, grains, fruit, fish and vegetable oils.

Spicy and salty food during treatment is completely eliminated. Parallel with this is to completely give up nicotine. This is especially important if the varicose veins of small pelvis in men was detected.

Useful exercises

proper diet

After the detection of varicose veins doctor prescribed exercise with varicose veins of the pelvis. Among the most common gymnastic exercises are so popular complexes such as bike, upright birch, scissors.

In all these exercises is not the active development of the legs, and without the burden of the lumbar spine. The position of the body in which they are performed, which leads to the effusion of blood, which will automatically lead to stagnation.

Surgical procedures

The procedure is quite an extreme case. It is used in case of neglect of the disease, as well as a certain genetic predisposition. Main types of surgical intervention can be attributed to the ligation of veins, can be done with a separate procedure.

If you need surgery, the choice of the procedure is carried out strictly individually. It all depends on lesions veins is internal, sometimes external.

Traditional methods

In the treatment of varicose veins of the pelvis are different procedures taken a special extracts, which are able to effectively tone veins. Experts often prescribe the use of the medicinal product chestnut horse, chaga, and a decoction of dandelion root. It is useful treatment with leeches when of the coccyx and sacrum are superimposed leeches.

Important! Treatment of folk treatment methods will never replace the careful treatment more effectively. Recipes can be used only as additional procedures. It is also important to obtain prior expert advice.

Methods for the prevention of relapse

The most effective preventive measures against varicose veins, a healthy diet, which is desirable to observe and after a full recovery. Among the basic rules of prevention include:

  • The proper distribution of the loads, i.e. the normalization of working conditions;
  • Ready measured day mode with the full minimization of stressful situations;
  • As prevention is to drink a course of certain funds and be repeated every 2-4 months.

With the proper observance of all the rules, you can count on complete freedom from such disease as varicose pelvic veins in women. This will indicate certain characteristics. It is a long time in remission, a significant improvement in the overall way of life, and the appearance of the skin. When properly driven the treatment of the patient completely to recover hormonal processes.


A well-planned and conducted treatment of acute and chronic varicose veins can have a positive impact on the physical, as well as the shared emotional state. The lack of careful treatment leads to certain complications - dysfunctional uterine bleeding, an infection of the uterus and adjacent appendages, feeling the pain of different character and thrombosis of the veins located in the pelvis.

With the symptoms help in the treatment of the women, who range in age from 25 to 46 years old. Once the patient starts menopause, the disease will continue a lot more difficult, greatly increases the likelihood of complications. Against the background of persistent bleeding there is a risk to suffer from thrombosis, a serious inflammatory processes.

Summing up

Pathology is the result of illiterate built a life and has a direct impact on the life. Timely and competent treatment to effectively slow down the progression of the disease, on top of that, you will be cured completely. For this reason, it is so important that the attention is paid for signs of disease and immediately ask for professional help.

prevention of varicose veins

Prediction of outcome of pathology in the pelvic area directly depends on a number of important points – the level of development, localization, complications, and comorbidities. If there is no bleeding, the prognosis is guaranteed to be solved. With careful monitoring of the recommendations of the expert more than 80% of patients achieve a positive effect.