What is the reticular varices of the lower limbs?

Varicose veins, reticular is common among a lot of people. As the disease manifests itself, and whether there is a cost-effective means of therapeutic effects on the diseased vessel?

What is it?

reticular veins

Reticular (from the Latin word reticulum — net), or varicose veins in the form of a truss is not a separate type of pathology, and reticular varicose form of the disease, its early stage. It is characterized by the expansion of a small intradermal surface of the mold, and the appearance of telangiectasias.

Telangiectasia are visible under the skin, plexus extended up to 0.5-1 mm in arterioles, venules, and capillaries, which manifests itself in the form of cyanotic-red spots, with areas similar to the shape of the aperture, the spider-like plexus of veins.

The disease is diagnosed more frequently in women. According to the results of the medical research on the net of veins detected in 35-45% of women and 15-20% of the adult males.


The main reason for the development of the disease:

  • the reduction of the elasticity and density of the vascular wall.
  • violation of the circulation of the blood;
  • unsatisfactory the work of the venous valves.

Among the factors that cause changes in the blood vessels which supply the:

  • the period of performance of the child, in particular the 5th to the 9th month of gestation, due to an increase in blood volume in the blood vessels, increasing the load on the legs, compression of the veins of the stomach by the growing uterus;
  • hormonal surges during pregnancy and menopause;
  • a genetic predisposition to weakness of the venous wall due to disruption of the structure of the connective tissue;
  • you are to be overweight, with increased body mass index up to 27 kg/m2, the probability of pathology is an increase of 30%;
  • a career with a long stay in a standing position, sitting, periodic lifting and carrying of heavy loads (loaders, heavyweight athletes, vendors, hairdressers, travel);
  • the wearing of corsets, belts, and which increases the pressure inside the peritoneum of the tight jeans that constrict the blood vessels in the groin area;
  • prolonged use of corticosteroids and hormonal birth control pills;
  • diabetes, hypertension, dermatological diseases, including rosacea;
  • fractures of the limbs;
  • excessive and prolonged exposure to the sun, Smoking;
  • a low amount of fiber in the diet leads to prolonged constipation, which can contribute to varicose veins, lack of nutrients – weakening of the vessel walls.


The basic features of the initial stage of the reticular varicose veins:

  • the appearance of a blue-red-telangiectasia — point, star, mesh patches of different sizes and brightness, which are often found on the ankles, behind the knees, the hips, after the pressing, they pale, however it immediately appears again;
  • the weight, the tension in the calf muscle fatigue while walking.

The signs and symptoms that occur if the disease develops:

  • the spread of the legs to clean the skin, increasing the diameter of the capillaries;
  • a feeling of fullness in the legs, tingling, "creepy" (paresthesia);
  • cramps in the calf muscles during the night or in the morning;
  • nagging pain;
  • mild edema of the feet, calves, ankles towards evening, which disappears on the morning;
  • itching of the skin over the areas of the expansion, reticular vessels;
  • burning on the line of the affected vessel;
  • tenderness when squeezing the calf muscles;
  • the gradual bulging of the subcutaneous veins, the formation of bumps with a size of 2-4 mm;
  • the manifestation of the brownish or whitish areas in the course of the blood vessels, swelling, redness.

If the weather is not to be taken in order to identify the causes of the disease, and the removal of its primary characters, the pathology could progress to a permanent dilatation. In this case, under the skin is formed in the vascular knots, the vessels become tortuous, going to hurt him.

The progression of the disease is the harmful effects, acute thrombophlebitis, non-healing trophic ulcers, in the development of venous insufficiency, bleeding, thrombosis.

The diagnosis

Definition of reticular varicose veins, it is not difficult for a specialist. To assess the prevalence of an abnormal process, and the degree of hemodynamic instability (blood flow), the velocity distribution of the flow of the blood, in order to detect the signs of a thrombosis, and use the diagnostic tools:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • duplex procedure;
  • ultrasonic dopplerography of veins;
  • the x-ray, radionuclide methods.

The treatment of the

the reasons for the appearance of varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins of the net immediately after diagnosis to prevent it from getting sick in the chronic phase, complications.

Most of the methods, the treatment relieves the patient from the external signs of the disease. To cure the pathology, we need to carry out an extensive examination by a doctor to find the root cause of the weakness of the vessels, and the flow of blood to the disease.

Compression stockings

When the reticular veins or the subcutaneous network of patients and healthy people with a tendency to the disease, you need to buy your compression stockings, socks. Targeting of the therapeutic compression is a very important part of the treatment plan.

Compression hosiery is designed to be created in different parts of the foot to different pressure.

Most of the pressure falls on the ankle from the blood work turns up. Stocking supports and compresses the expanded blood vessels aid in the blood flow,, eliminating stasis. In the thigh compression is reduced by nearly 2.5 times, as it is in this region, the pressure in the vessel is less.

The constant mild compression of the veins preventing the spread, normalizes microcirculation, eliminates puffiness, prevents blockage of the lumen by a clot of blood.

Other treatments bezoperatsionnye

Among other things, a common conservative methods of treatment of varicose veins reticulate micro-sclerotherapy and laser photocoagulation.

Micro-sclerotherapy is the most common method for the regeneration of the reticular varicose veins, and to eliminate telangiectasias. In the course of the procedure, use a special substance that does not have the cutting needle was introduced into the united states. A substance causing micro-damage to the inner walls of the vein, or capillary. The overgrown, narrowing the internal lumen. On the site of the former vessel, is formed by a strand of connective tissue (like a scar), which is, in itself, to be solved in the frame of 10-12 months.

Sclerotherapy practice in the technique of the liquid when the container is introduced into the liquid composition, or in a more advanced technology — the Foam-form of sclerotherapy (foam). In the second embodiment, the present solution is a micro-foam, which is a better distribution of the affected vessel.

The procedure is often carried out under video surveillance, the control of the process using the duplex scanner.

Laser coagulation of blood vessels – sparing and effective method at the same time, it guarantees the removal procedure is quick, bloodless, and without affecting the healthy tissue. The procedure is carried out under the control of ultrasound.

Through a puncture of the skin, it enters into the lumen of the diseased vein, a thin catheter with a laser fiber. Under the high temperature by the laser beam, the walls of the affected blood vessels are sealed.

It depends on the number of vascular branching in the sclerotherapy and laser treatments take 15-60 minutes to complete. To Express the therapeutic outcome requires 2 to 5 sessions.

In the treatment with use of sclerotherapy or laser beam, is performed more frequently on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. To leave the clinic, a patient after 2-4 hours. At the end of the procedure, the treated area impose a pressure bandage for 4-10 days. Compression stockings are from 7 to 30 days. Within 2-4 days, the patient returns to normal rhythm of life.

After the treatment it is recommended that for 3-4 months:

  • drink up to 2-3 litres of fluid a day to keep the fluid characteristics of the blood;
  • take all the medication prescribed by a physician;
  • not to neglect the compressive knitwear with long walks, stay up-to-the-job, in the standing or sitting;
  • to go out a lot;
  • to give up the high-heeled shoes.

Other methods for the treatment of reticular varicose veins, includes 3, the method of treatment.

  1. Radiofrequency obliteration of the vessels (equipment, EVRF, RFO). Radio-frequency radiation is generated by a medical device, fixed to the extremity of the catheter. Under the influence of radio waves on the walls of the vein stick together, the vein disappears, and the tissue formed in its place, to be decided.
  2. Thermal occlusion of the micro pulse steam (SVS technique). The technique, developed by a French doctor. It involves the treatment of a lumen of a varicose vessel, the hot steam coming through the introduced catheter. The steam penetrates into the hard approach, an anatomically convoluted vascular branches, narrow, and "glue" the capillaries and the venules.
  3. The method of treatment with biological glue (Venaseal) – a new high-efficient and gentle way. Often, it is used in the treatment of reticular veins at the initial stage of the expansion. In the united states, under ultrasound guidance using a syringe, and the catheter is a special glue. Vienna is compressed dramatically, the walls are glued together. Vascular subcutaneous network, so that almost straight away. When the processing of the small containers do not need to wear compression stockings after the procedure. Allergic reactions are eliminated due to the special glue, is a natural product.

The surgical treatment of the

the treatment of varicose veins

Phlebectomy surgery for varicose veins of the lower extremities. This is done when the diameter of the enlarged receptacle up to 10 mm.

Through a small incision the surgeon removes the surface of the ship which bandages and cuts. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The work is carried out with a minimum of damage to the tissue, leaving cosmetic defects.

The modern treatment of the

The recipes for the homemade medicine in the treatment of reticular veins to be used in addition to therapy. A good result is given in the common application of the medicinal products, pharmaceutical ointments, wearing compression hosiery, especially during the first phase of the telangiectasias.

  1. Do not treat the mature young fruit of the chestnut (50 g) finely chopped, pour a glass of vodka and leave for 20 days. After straining for 3 weeks, three times a day for 15-20 drops. After a 2 weeks break can be repeated.
  2. The cabbage leaves rinse and put in the cold for 24 hours. Before going to bed can dry the skin of the affected area, to the left, and not tight bandage. The treatment is carried out every day for 1-2 months.
  3. Dry birch buds sleep in a jar 0.5 litre by 1/3. Pour vodka to the brim, insist 10 days. May I gently RUB the areas with telangiectasia.

To prevent

In order to avoid the appearance of subcutaneous "stars" you'll need to follow these guidelines:

  • do not carry heavy items, including bags of food,
  • no hot baths, no saunas, steam rooms;
  • wearing elastic tights or stockings with a compression;
  • at home are more likely to keep you on your feet the horizontal position to raised;
  • sitting at work in order to create the conditions so that the limb was in the horizontal position, at an interval of 2 to 3 hours to do a 10-minute break for a special exercise for the improvement of the blood flow;
  • to be on the move more and more to Walk, do not overdo it;
  • to make the contrast baths or shower for your feet;
  • use a healing ointment for the prevention of venous changes, taking of medication, to enhance the vascular tone, on the recommendation of a phlebologist;
  • can you swim in a pool with warm water;

You need to adjust the diet to get rid of the extra body weight, to stop Smoking.