Varicose veins: symptoms, causes, treatment

Varicose veins, symptoms that are found in about every fourth resident of the planet is not only a cosmetic defect, which manifests itself in the form of a blue tree mesh in the legs, thighs or rear legs, heavy legs, pain in the case of static loads, or long periods of walking, jerking in the muscles of the legs, but also a high risk for thrombosis in Vena cava inferior system.

varicose veins

Thrombotic complications lead to trophic ulcers of the feet, acute disorders of blood flow, with blueness of the extremities and the risk of necrosis. Breaking away from the vascular wall, the blood from the legs often begin the path that ends in the heart (leading to heart attack) or cerebral vessels (causing a stroke). It is, in fact, and is not spoiled the sight of the once beautiful legs require the earliest attention of the treatment (and preferably prevention) of varicose veins.

Because the disease appears, is not static, but gradually progresses, capture new segments of external or internal venous network of the legs, then the parsing of the treatment is to begin with a description of the prevention. Reasonable protective measures will at least a little to slow down the process, developed on the background of inherited a bankrupt valvular veins of the lower limbs.

Prevention of varicose veins

The veins of the lower limbs have very thin walls, almost devoid of muscular elements, which might push the blood through the cut. Therefore, veins have special valves that prevent the backflow of blood and its stagnation in the veins. In some people these valves inherited the insolvent or become so with age:

  • in heavy physical effort
  • increases intra-abdominal pressure
  • constipation
  • frequent pregnancies.

First, the process affects external veins. And then marvel at the collector of the vein and the deep venous network. Varicose veins of the limbs develops over a few (sometimes more) years, and its speed differs depending on the way of life the intensity of the physical activity and the strength of the blood vessels.

  • The first goal of prevention is to reduce the increase in intra-abdominal pressure (to combat constipation, to avoid excessive overload).
  • The second task is to create the conditions for passive outflow of venous blood from the legs. Make sure that it is in the end of the day or a few times a day. For this purpose, the legs are stacked from the foot to the hip on the surface under the angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal. Lie in this position need to be at least half an hour. Persons with varicose veins of the feet is an accomplished medical fact, it is advisable to sleep with raised legs as often as possible.
  • When varicose veins is recommended not to use tight shoes, socks with tight elastic – that is, not to create additional obstacles to the circulation of the blood in the legs.
  • It, also, should not sit foot to foot and with prolonged sitting position, put the feet well supported and give them a horizontal (or slightly higher) position. Such a position, you can sometimes see in gangster movies for the cool mafia who sits in the armchair, put your feet on the table.
  • Of course, in the office, if You are the owner of the company, will have to come up with something a little less challenging. You can, for example, to put under the Desk on a cardboard box and put legs on it or use it for this purpose highly plastic wastepaper basket with a flat top cover. For any questions in connection with an unusual way to sit on his Desk need honestly to answer in order to avoid ridicule, and not to bizarre. It should be remembered that no employee will take an active part in your treatment. It is therefore necessary to perceive the opinions of others and not to neglect the prevention of the disease.
  • If you are at home, try to take a horizontal position and in position with the help of a few pillows, his feet above his head. This is necessary in order to improve conditions for venous outflow.

Conservative treatment

In the program of non-surgical treatment included diet, compression, and therapy.


In the case is mandatory, since weight is one of the risk factors for the development of varicose veins. Food must be compensated (consumed energy should not exceed energy needs in correlation with the nature of loads or their absence). In addition, the menu will have to eliminate spicy seasonings, pepper, pickles, excess salt, smoked meat, and to reduce the consumption of fried. Alcohol is also recommended that you do not use.

The menu must contain a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, food rich with fibre, wholemeal bread, seafood. Shown are the frequent (at least 4 times a day) fractional power. As for the fashion a few years ago, tend to limit themselves in any of the animal origin, and should forget about it. Of course, prohibitive figure of triglycerides and cholesterol is not the case. But in reasonable amounts of cholesterol, helps to patch the vascular wall, reducing the risk of secondary thrombotic complications and sudden ruptures of the veins.

* No Smoking

Smoking is the most harmful habit with varicose veins. If the choice is between drinking moderate amounts of alcohol and Smoking, first you can still barely endure. But the second – are categorically excluded. Not only the resin clog blood vessels, increases the risk of thrombosis and secondary complications (heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolism). You need to be especially careful for those who have varicose veins (or predisposed to it), take hormones and still managed to smoke.

Compression garments (socks, stockings, tights)

This is a good option for the prevention and treatment of early stages of varicose veins, as they have different parameters of pressure on the soft tissues, variants of models and colors. To wear underwear is necessary in the morning, before getting out of bed, while the venous system is not full with blood. For this method there is one but – prohibitive price-tags on the territory of the Russian Federation, limiting the acquisition of the knit against the veins wider mass of people. As a rule, the use of linen did not begin to those for whom it still can help in the stage before the disease, and those with severe forms of varicose veins, often complicated by some processes, which is shown operative treatment and compression hosiery as secondary prevention.

Varicose veins: treatment

Drugs are not a cure. To completely stop or cure varicose veins, they are not.

Creams and gels

This means that it is possible to protect the walls of the veins, stimulate the venous outflow and improves microcirculation. These tools can reduce the intensity of pain and edema, subject to course admission. Displayed items twice a year for the duration of at least 2 months.

The most useless (but safe) you can read the fat or gels. Creams do not penetrate through the skin and any worthwhile effect on the blood vessels may not be provided. They are recommended in the early stages of the disease, when it is unknown why, in fact, may undergo swelling and weight in the legs: from the drug, or simply the disruption of the drainage and at the end of the exercise.

vein treatment

This therapy involves the administration of drugs or elastic bandaging. Its simplicity, preservation of the aesthetic appearance of the limbs, no effects on the general health condition of the patient are attracted to this technique, and doctors and patients.

However, sclerotherapy is not an isolated brings lasting results and is not able to stop the progression of the disease. In most cases, it still must be combined with surgery. Before the therapy should be performed ultrasound examination of the lower limbs, off the great destruction of the subcutaneous or deep veins of the legs.

Contraindications for this technique are: Allergy medications, atherosclerosis of the great vessels with the presence of ischemia, diabetic angiopathy, obliterating endarteritis, lesions of the blood coagulation system, acute or recent thrombosis of the legs, pregnancy.

Therapy options

  • Before surgery - sclerotherapy of veins may be used before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding and thrombosis during the postoperative period
  • in the course of the work, the replacement of vein removal
  • after surgery for closure of the other veins.

Method puncture

If it is not applied in the operating room is conducted in a dedicated surgical room, with all the rules of asepsis. First, in the vicinity of the larger veins, then smaller ones. Medications that are usually imposed from the top down. The winter of the vein position the patient, and prior to the introduction of the drug stack. If the field of interests goes a long vessel or vessels of the entire circumference of the leg, and then a few therapy sessions. After the sclerosing treatment the patient should be observed phlebologist for three years after the last injection.

  • After the injection is performed with elastic bandaging of the limb, which is repeated for 2 weeks. In the first week of the bandage is not removed.
  • Within half an hour after the completion of the procedure, the patient need to walk.
  • The patient should sleep with a raised foot end, and in the course of the day to avoid prolonged sitting or standing and a lot of walking.

Varicose veins: surgery

The decision on whether surgical intervention done by a physician or a vascular surgeon.

Often times women with a lesion of the superficial veins, and decided on surgical intervention solely because of a cosmetic defect, I propose to postpone the surgery, if you plan on following childbearing (during pregnancy of varicose veins, as a rule, progresses, and results can fade away and require repeated surgical treatment).

Combined phlebectomy

The most common operational solution to the problem of varicose veins of the lower limbs is combined phlebectomy. The surgery is performed under General anesthesia or with epidural. All the pieces and punctures try to do as smaller sizes. For example, to remove a saphenous vein, the incision is made in the groin area. Through it, the vein injected with the probe tip. Then the probe is removed and is sent to Vienna from the middle part of the Shin to the groin. Through the shallow channels and remove the channels and small veins. After surgery, use compression (bandage or stocking on the foot).


It involves the removal of subcutaneous veins by exposing them to current. The method is more dangerous than radiofrequency ablation or classic surgery.


Cryosurgery allows you to remove the veins due to low temperatures. With the most modern equipment, safe method. It is not always possible to calculate the depth of freezing without damage to the surrounding tissue or leaving a "surplus".

Home treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be treated at home although systemic medications (prescription), though, the fat and the gels, although the leeches (the treatment of varicose veins with leeches) and leaf cabbage, apple cider vinegar. Also, for the home part suitable for compression garments or elastic bandaging (selected and recommended by the doctor). For the late stages of the disease, all these efforts are futile without radical surgery.

So, today, a radical method to get rid of varicose veins may be considered only surgical methods, often in combination with a therapy or compression techniques.