What are varicose veins on the uterus - causes, symptoms and treatment

The main problem of the disease is that it is extremely difficult to diagnose. Very often there is confusion when the results of the survey indicate the presence of problems with the pelvis.

varicose veins on the uterus

Which is the main risk? First of all women in the reproductive period. In rare cases, the disease does not disturb the teenagers. And senile to increase to meet this disease can even rarer. But, in any case it is not necessary to think that this problem can't hurt.

The main reasons for

In most cases the disease is caused by severe and prolonged inflammatory processes. In no case can not throw away a failed pregnancy. If you went through the miscarriage, then you too are at increased risk. So, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you in detail what known varicose veins of the womb, how to deal with it.

A special problem may lie in the ovarian vein. It can get the blood, which will lead to this disease. Do not forget that the particular damage can be and to do. On top of that, a new side effect that is not yet fully understood. Particularly harmful hormonal means. Predisposition, also, should not be denied.


They are especially important to know in order to in case you do not delay the visit to the specialist. The first and most important symptom — severe abdominal pain. Sometimes they are so strong that it leads to a complete loss of efficiency. There is noticeable discomfort after intercourse or even during it. The menstrual cycle is broken, it has a small amount of discharge.

It should be noted that to determine the varicose veins of the uterus is difficult, the symptoms are similar to a lot of gynecological diseases. Here, in no case it is impossible to guess.

Only a full ultrasound with the use of modern equipment will allow accurate diagnosis and to take further decision.

There are most obvious reasons why you should consult with a specialist. In particular, attacks. It is especially dangerous if they are accompanied by swelling. You may feel irritation in the legs, in the evening, coming from work? You suffer from constant discomfort? Then at least for the sake of prevention be sure to visit a quality specialist.

Difficulties during pregnancy

Of course, varicose veins of the cervix during pregnancy is not so common. But, after each conception the situation is complicated. Together with the period of increased risk. At the same time, not only for the mother but for the child. What complications can occur?

  1. Placental in the club.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. Thrombosis of the veins.
  4. It is often necessary to perform a cesarean section.

To summarize everything said by the fact that treatment during pregnancy is complicated from time to time. This uterine disease that requires constant supervision phlebologist. It is unlikely he will tell you that in your case, if you are pregnant, treatment will be ineffective. In this case, the attending physician will have to produce at least symptomatic treatment. What is it? Specialist are not able to cope with the underlying disease. Then he should at least invalidate for the main symptoms.

How to treat varicose veins of the womb outside of pregnancy? In this case, there are a few main methods. They are chosen depending on the specifics of the patient. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Conservative treatment. In this case, you want to take the drugs, which are intended to tone the veins. Also, it is important for Allergy medications. This complex includes also, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises.
  2. Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. Modern technologies allow to do everything as quickly as possible. Specific methods depend on the condition of the patient, the degree of neglect of the disease.

For folk remedies

They also sometimes help you to cure varicose veins. Already developed a list of medicines to be taken inside.

  1. First and foremost, you need to look at the tincture of the horse chestnut.
  2. Be sure to try to take the infusion of hops cones.
  3. A perfect blend of different herbs. It may be st. john's wort, horsetail, calendula and some others. To purchase this in almost every major market.
  4. Try apple cider vinegar. Dilute a few teaspoons in a standard cup of water.

But you have to understand that a lot depends on what stage of the disease. If it is only in the Bud, the folk medicines are quite can be effective.

The main means of prevention

First you need to take responsibility for their own health. If you notice any changes in the cervix, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. He literally can after a few questions to determine what you have problems, make a plan for further action.

In any case it is impossible to independently assign itself to the hormones. Only in small doses and after consultation with a qualified physician. During the first pregnancy, she should avoid stress, continually subjected to inspection. Especially now a huge range of diagnostic centers, which gives the result a few hours.

Important moderate exercise. Serious sports activities will only exacerbate the situation. But, physical education, dance classes, swimming, yoga — all of this leads to the fact that your immunity to this disease increase significantly.

Analysis of urine and blood should be taken into account in the framework of prevention. Especially if it is a bad blood clot, then it is a clear sign of varicose veins. It remains only to determine the place where he is. Probably everyone knows that a proper diet will get rid of many problems. In particular, it is possible to increase your chances for a healthy future, eliminating from your diet is too greasy and spicy food. Consume as many fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about restrictions in the Sahara. Especially dangerous is white. All the meals that contain in a large quantity. Now you know all about varicose veins in the uterus and its treatment in detail.