Folk remedies and vitamins against the veins

But, this is completely contrary to their efficiency. What tools can be successfully applied to combat varicose veins?

the treatment of varicose veins at home

Leeches against the veins

Leeches though nasty creatures, but very, very useful. To use in the fight against varicose veins. What is so valuable leeches? Saliva, as it turns out, contains in its composition many substances that have the ability to activate many processes in the body. The saliva of leeches, used in ancient times to in the body to disperse the blood clots, called thrombi. In addition, when the high viscosity of the blood and a large amount of it in the veins of leeches is indispensable, to suck the blood and remove the excess.

Interesting fact: a leech for an hour drains about 15 ml of blood. Then, the sucked, she disappears from the body. But, it is not everything. After the leech bite and falling off of the hole, which is formed, another follows to 15 ml of blood. This allows you to extend the microscopic blood vessels that allow blood flow to other organs and tissues.

Leeches against the spasms and cramps

Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy) is an excellent remedy against cramps of the vessels, and the fight hypertension, swelling of the legs. Leeches help restore circulation, they ensure that the flow of blood increases and nourishes the internal organs and tissues. This is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.

Leeches have contributed to help reduce the risk of defects in the walls of the blood vessels, establish normal blood clotting, thanks to them, the body is freed from toxins.

Contraindications for the use of the leeches

And that, unless there are contraindications? Of Course, To. This reduction of blood clotting, increased bleeding, including gums, anemia, pregnancy, very strong weak, fast metabolism, individual intolerance to leeches, as well as the state of pregnancy. It is also impossible to put leeches on the children and the very elderly, especially those with weakened body.

Leeches should not be put in places where the skin is too thin is harmful for the skin and blood vessels beneath it. So that you can not put a leech and directly over the container, especially if it is a ship of the affected walls.

The best moment for leeches

Doctor (the doctor, who prescribes leeches) will tell you in what points it is best to put leeches. They are best to put where, according to the canons of Oriental medicine, meridians. To leeches was more effective, they need to be combined with a massage, self-massage and physical therapy against varicose veins.

Vitamins for the strengthening of blood vessels


That the vessels were strong and durable, you need to nurture them not only outside, but inside. Vitamins in sufficient quantities, it also helps to resist the formation of blood clots, normalize blood circulation in the veins and arteries.

Vitamin rutin (vitamin P) is an excellent tool which reduces the permeability of vascular walls and restores their strength and elasticity. Vitamin P reduces capillary fragility, through which the blood circulates. This vitamin is in abundance contains the following products:

  • Wild rose;
  • Black currant berries;
  • Citrus;
  • Green tea;
  • Aronia.

Be aware that the vitamin P in the body is best absorbed together with other vitamin C. They reinforce each other in the body. Gel-based routine is very good to smear them affected by varicose veins space. These two methods will help you to deal with swelling of veins that are already very well happen under the skin of the feet. Gel with rutin in the composition, for example, Caffeine helps in reducing inflammation of the veins, reduces their permeability, and mitigation of the deformed parts of the veins.

The seeds of the horse chestnut

This is also a great folk remedy for varicose veins. You can prepare a tincture chestnut seeds in themselves, the Gulf and putting the alcohol for a week to infuse, and then smear the affected places varicose veins of the legs.

If the body enough vitamin, the person's muscles become weak, your legs can lose their sensitivity, or lose it from time to time, the skin of the feet can burn and limbs often swell. Food and vitamin products In the composition helps to fight against these phenomena.

A lot of vitamin b in yeast, legumes, cereals, meat of birds and pigs, a lot of it, also, in the liver, whether beef or pork, and beer. Drugs and foods with vitamin To help strengthen vascular walls, improve the tone of blood vessels and the entire body, help in pain in the legs.

When a person is determine the disorder of the circulation of the blood in the veins, vitamin products In prescribed 2-3 times a day for one month.

Vitamin B5, or Pantothenic acid

If the body is not enough of Pantothenic acid, people have pain in the legs, cramping of calf muscles, especially cramps can happen at night, which is particularly dangerous to the human nervous system. It threatens to skin diseases and inflammation of the veins. To replenish the body with vitamin B5, you need to take a lot of peanuts, liver, eat cereal sprouted grain cereal of bran, eat boiled chicken egg yolks, broccoli, meat.

But you need to know that vitamin B5 is very unstable. He quickly destroyed if food – source, to heat, boil, freeze. Vitamin B5 is also lost if the cereal content of the grinding.

If a person has varicose veins, doctors can assign up to 250 mg of vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 2 times a day.

Vitamin C (askorbinku)

This vitamin is very good for strengthening vein walls and blood vessels. Ascorbic acid, helps the body fight off colds, bacteria, viruses. Of vitamin C the body is much better supplied with vital blood element – iron.

Lack of vitamin C leads to the destruction of the walls of the blood vessels and capillaries, quickly formed bruises and a badly go and badly wounds heal. To replenish iron deficiency and to compete effectively with the varicose veins, you need to get from rose hips, citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, watermelons, sea-buckthorn, currant and mountain ash. If a person has already formed ulcers, vitamin C should be taken every day not less than 2 grams.

Vitamin a (retinol)

Thanks to vitamin A cells of the walls of the vessels are kept much better blood vessels more durable and make good vessels leak blood. Vitamin a is very good for the healing of wounds, trophic ulcers in the last stage of varicose veins.

Vitamin a can be taken from the melon, liver, spinach, cabbage, carrots, milk, fresh apricots. The dose strictly in the pharmacy medicines an individual, because you need to go to the doctor for the needs of optimal doses of vitamin A, or retinol.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

This vitamin is very good for protection of cell membranes, as well as the opposition of the body of bacteria and viruses. If the body does not have tocopherol, the muscles of the legs weaken, the muscles may lose its shape, to atrophy, the person begins to experience difficulty in walking, and also reduces the sensitivity of the feet. May be such that when the lack of vitamin D in man, weakens the reflexes, for example, the reaction of the hot, cold or slow movements. He, also, may not experience the sensitivity to vibration. For example, while riding.

Vitamin E can be derived from oils of vegetable origin: sunflower, corn, oil, cotton, very tocopherol and peanuts, margarine, almonds, sunflower seeds. These products should be used for vein health and leg muscles.

Of course, these vitamins for the health of veins and good blood flow will not be enough, you need more and sodium, potassium, omega fatty acids and zinc, and copper. Then the human diet is rich and this is a great prevention against the wiles of the varicose veins.

Delicious recipes Walker

Prof. dr. Walker is an American nutritionist, who created a system to combat diseases of the legs, especially varicose veins. He proposed for the treatment of the use of oss, but not on the store, as well as natural, fresh. Juices have a huge advantage in terms of food: they are absorbed immediately after they are drunk, and have a very positive impact on all bodily systems. Especially of the blood and the bloodstream. What juices are best to make for the treatment of varicose veins?


You need to take 6 pieces of the juice from the spinach and 10-parts carrot juice. A great tool against tumors legs, leg ulcers, metabolism in the tissues, weakness, loss of strength. Juice is very useful for correct and timely reduction of the blood vessels, which helps to strengthen the muscles of the blood vessels and the muscles of the legs.

Carrots, celery and company

You need to take carrot juice to 7 parts of the juice of celery – 4 parts spinach juice – 3 parts of juice of parsley – 2 parts. All these juices must be mixed and then to drink. You will help yourself to reduce the swelling is due to the large amount of sodium in the celery will help the blood to circulate faster through the vessels, because of the carrots. Parsley is a very good remedy against bacteria (before it even treated diseases of the genital tract) and to prevent spasms. Oss and strengthens blood vessels and reduces their fragility.

Carrot, beet and cucumber

The juices of these vegetables is very good for the fight against varicose veins. You need to take carrot juice – 10 pieces, juice of the beet – 3 parts juice from the cucumber – 3 parts. This mix contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy veins.

Has and sodium, calcium, potassium and chlorine, and phosphorus, and it helps to normalize blood pressure, strengthen blood flow, make stronger the walls of the blood vessels. Beets are usually very good, in order to reduce the risk of a blood clot – it is an opportunity to thin the blood. Thrombophlebitis – an indispensable element.

Carrots, turnips and other useful vegetables

To prepare this juice you will need a whopping 4 ingredients. This carrot – 8 pieces carrots, spinach – 4 pieces carrots, turnips – 2 parts juice, watercress is also 2 parts. In this juice from a mixture of what is there: sulfur and iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium and calcium.

All these ingredients together can easily dissolve a blood clot – the blood and to promote good blood flow. If the clots, however, this blend of juices is necessary for the prevention of their formation.

If a person has a lack of oxygen, a mixture of these juices makes up for the lack of oxygen when tissue hypoxia. It is important to prepare this juice mix used beets along with their green leaves – they have a lot of vitamins. And carrots, also have the green on top in the end, it is also useful for the juice mixture. This will improve the effect of the juices from the condition of the veins in the varicose veins.

Traditional recipes for varicose veins

In order to effectively deal with varicose veins, you can use the forces of nature. For one man, it is important to be treated by those plants which grow in his country – such plants are better absorbed in the body and help in the fight against diseases of the veins.



To reduce the damage caused to the organism's trophic ulcers, you should use this recipe. It helps with phlebitis, varicose veins, the appearance of trophic ulcers, particularly ulcers that form on the tibia.

You need to take the bark of the hazelnut (filbert) and its leaves, all crushed in equal parts. 1 tablespoon of this mixture pour with 1 Glass of boiling water and set to cool and the once – in within one hour. Then take a quarter Cup 3 times a day before meal.

Horse chestnut

Preparations made from it, help the blood clot more slowly, thanks to the chestnut strengthens the walls of veins, reducing inflammation and inflammation of the muscles and joints, especially of the calf, with this product, and in the fight against varicose veins.

How to cook it? You need to take 50 grams of fruit and flowers of horse chestnut (chopped), leave Bay 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol. 14 days let stand in a warm place in the dark. There is a secret of the drink were better, you need to get it to speak 1 time of the day. Make a tincture of horse chestnut can be 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. After this, the person feels much better.

Preparations of horse chestnut is used even for the treatment of complications of varicose veins.


This unpretentious plant is very good in helping with varicose veins. You need to take a Kalanchoe, which is not less than one year. Wash the leaves, day keep them in the fridge and slice them, fill a quart jar halfway. To wash down with vodka so that it covers the Kalanchoe 2 fingers. Let the infusion stand for 2-3 days in a cool and dark place. Then, you rubbed her feet at night. Very well helps with varicose veins – venous nodes become much smaller, and the veins seem not to be so swollen.