How to treat varicose veins at home: considerations, tips

Varicose veins are a chronic disease. And cope with them simply it is not likely to succeed. The disease requires attention, care, cranky, gives you easy. Before you join the fight to him, to assess the power of real: how you are able to overcome varicose veins, in your own home?

The doctors warn that the folk remedy of varicose veins removal of just the initial stage.


This is important, as folk medicine use. Herbs – long-compression-creams – not enough patience, you might find an easier way? Buy a good expensive tool to use. Fortunately, many of them are distributors.

Doctors warn about the mistakes: never take drugs the varicose veins out-of-network pharmacy. The false hope of quick recovery, or on the operating table.

So what's left? Immediately run to the doctor if Shin has a couple of small ships? Answer: the desirable. At least in order to talk about what are the folk remedies you can cure varicose veins at home. In order to see that a couple of the vessels is a consequence of the varicose veins deep vein.

What patients

Folk recipes for the treatment of varicose veins at home, so much so that the choice is difficult. The simplest means you're not convinced, the funds ' complex – disorder. As a result, you can use some advice.. I Get it.

Popular device

To prepare, useful. To do this, arm yourself with the excess grass, and then the following ingredients, which are the same amount:

  1. The aloe juice.
  2. Fat without salt.
  3. The onion juice.
  4. Ichthyol ointment.
  5. Soap, in liquid form.
  6. Med.

This wealth must be mixed warm, then stir. The smell in the kitchen is a bit creepy, but your health won't! The ointment is ready, if it's cold. The traditional healers recommend, times, 3-4 per day.


Now the popular cure. But not in the case of varicose veins. There are secrets to the chicory, which not only improve, but also worsen the large varicose veins. The drink is a stimulant, like caffeine.

Regular use of chicory reduces the vascular tone, exciting effect on the nervous system.

The vessels of the varicose patients, strength, flexibility do not differ from each other, therefore, the chicory is prohibited.

The horse chestnut


Folk recipes claim that the horse chestnut varicose veins, the only true way. Nothing complicated, the application is not, why don't you experience. Collect the chestnuts, peel them, the skin, and insist on 200 ml of vodka, for two weeks. As to insist in a dark place and dark glass. After you start treatment. 30 drops orally after each main meal. We report the three meals a day. We recommend that you should handle in a month.

We allow ourselves to doubt, this method of application. Too much vodka, trust me. But for external use tincture, use health. After contrast bath to the legs in the evening. Pamper yourself in the shins, before they go to sleep, the blood circulation increases.

Apple cider vinegar

No one can deny that the advantageous properties of vinegar the apple. Many acids, vitamin's usefulness. But responding to the feedback of patients, we drew the following conclusions: it is possible to try to treat apple cider vinegar just reticular varices. Creams and compression in some cases helped to draw the ship, to lighten. I think it has more to do with the properties of acetic acid, as the therapeutic effect as the vinegar. Draw your own conclusions.

The warning from the doctor: don't take this vinegar, if you have the stomach problems. Can develop an ulcer.


The method of varicose veins is applied. Thrombophlebitis. In the second case, it is advisable to. No matter how you respond to the leeches, but these sterile individuals are able to help as thrombophlebitis. A special substance, leech gives in exchange for food, the blood dissolves. And the blood clots are not formed.

But the varicose veins are not very effective, because the short result. Put the leech, made it easier the venous valves work – you'll feel better. But soon after the procedure, everything is back to normal – patient's vessel wall, the leech has no effect.

Warning the doctor: the nerve to the leech therapy, get tested for blood clotting. Low results hirudotherapy does not apply to dangerous bleeding.

Honey, beeswax

These funds unanimously to submit the approval. The usefulness of the heart I heard you can use it without tricks. Just do the leg after the foot bath. But don't use the honey in the rosacea of the face – the condition to worsen. But spider veins on the legs, provided that they are isolated, little.

If sticky, honey, you don't want to use – prepare the ointment for varicose veins, beeswax, propolis and olive oil (2:1:1). Massage, of the calf, in the evening and this morning – as the result.

Pine cones, nuts


Suppositories should be used, it is not a forest, pine trees, Yes, but other plants. The hops. The pharmacies are sold in paper bags beer, tea in the form of dry materials. Beer, drink, and be healthy. And blood vessels patients. The complex therapy of varicose veins, the shins, and hops is good.

Nuts varicose veins use. It perfectly tones the body. Before use, grind the walnuts, the flour and the beer in a Cup of boiling water. Medicine add a spoonful of honey, drink it early in the morning, before you sit down to Breakfast.

Soap, clay mining

The main effect of the use of these funds for decontamination. And soap, blue clay killed bacteria to the death. These properties can be applied to the treatment of eating disorders varicose veins. But very carefully, after consultation with your doctor.

In addition to the antimicrobial effect, clay, soap strong enough to dry skin. Itching in the varicose veins in some patients may increase. And – scratches, cracks, infection. So be careful in choosing.

Varicose veins treatment with herbs

Herbal medicine recipes for the treatment of varicose veins at home many. He poured the potion doesn't have time, so we recommend the easy way – buy the green pharmacy anti varicose veins tea. If a product has a quality certificate, a number of components not all in one place. On your own, it is not likely to succeed: you need to know where and when to gather the herbs, how to dry-cooking. You can learn, if you want, but it's a good conversation.

The completed pharmacy, herbal teas – in a big way. Use them.

We analyze the results of the debate

So, every citizen of every country to choose its own treatment, if the disease is already chosen. Believe me, if this is the varicose veins – I don't expect miracles. Without this, it is not likely to succeed, although it can also start to use all public facilities together. Local treatment is appropriate only in the complex therapy, nothing else. And the herbal as medicine has its contraindications.

If you have a baby, in addition to the push-underwear, that's nothing to use it's not worth it. If the varicose veins are reticular, we must make efforts in order not to spread. Believe me. Experienced doctor to deal with varicose veins problem exactly. Even those, although by a different method. You will spend months on the treatment, which allows you to progress.

Don't run the pathology. Doctors recommend, everywhere. We recommend that you apply to the Baltic vein clinic, like most modern healthcare facility for the problems, and varicose veins. A council – it is necessary for the healing vector is selected. Therapy at home, then also recommend.