Varicose veins: a photograph of the initial stage, the causes and methods of treatment

Varicose veins of the legs is one of the most serious diseases of the XXI century. Sedentary way of life, always in a hurry, the lack of response to signals from the body leads to serious health problems.

Varicose veins (or varicose veins folk) is swelling under the skin of the peripheral veins due to stagnation of blood. Swollen blood vessels are dark blue, then purple. Later, an abscess, a clot of blood, a person suffers from pains in the legs. How to cope with evil? Let's deal.

What are varicose veins

varicose veins-legs

Vascular pathology has been known for thousands of years. Even the Egyptian texts contain a mention of the insidious disease. Pathology develops with inadequate blood flow in the peripheral vessels.

Medical aspects of the disease:

  • in the congenital weakness of the venous walls under the influence of harmful factors of the valves for the extraction of blood, to stop functioning normally;
  • the flow of blood is disrupted, lumps, clots of blood, increased venous pressure;
  • excess blood does not have time to go through the gaps, accumulate, dilate blood vessels;
  • the outer wall in the vicinity of the surface of the epidermis, because of this they are well visible under the skin;
  • more clots, and the affected areas, more obstacles to the normal flow of blood;
  • veins "roll", lose their normal appearance. In the later stages of the vessels similar to blue or dark purple thick rope.

Most often the veins swell on his feet due to the high load on them, and the least mobility in the "sitting" or "standing" job. Varicose veins affect people of different social status.

Many consider this pathology as a professional disease. Risk to make the distention of the peripheral veins:

  • barbers;
  • workers in the IT-area;
  • of the seller;
  • military;
  • the drivers and others.


After numerous studies, scientists have discovered factors that cause the swelling of the veins, poor circulation, the onset of pain, difficulty, weakness in the legs.

photos of varicose veins

Basic reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • excessive weight;
  • heredity. My parents had weak joints? The probability of developing the same disease in children reaches 70%;
  • congenital weakness of the connective tissue;
  • elastic bands on socks or stockings.

Other factors that cause venous stasis:

  • prolonged work at the computer.
  • the lack of movement;
  • habit to sit with my foot on the leg;
  • you have to spend a long time "on his feet";
  • hormonal disruptions. The greatest danger for women during pregnancy, after the menopause;
  • high-heeled shoes. Constantly walking in high heels exerts a lot of stress on the veins;
  • frequent lifting, carry heavy loads;
  • improper diet, excess heavy, fatty foods, lack of vegetables.

The first signs and symptoms

To recognize the veins is pretty simple. It is important to listen to the signals that persistently sends the body. Improper way of life, the unwillingness to give yourself a little time the disease develops rather quickly.

The most commonly affected veins:

  • on his feet;
  • in the rectum;
  • in the pelvis.

Much less swell veins:

  • of the diaphragm;
  • of the spermatic cord.

The main symptoms of varicose veins:

  • pain, weight in the legs, swelling of the end of the day;
  • a feeling of burning, warmth, filling of veins;
  • gradually, the discomfort appears not only after work or heavy physical exertion;
  • in the course of the night a person plagued by cramps in the legs;
  • sometimes the symptoms of varicose veins appear just under the knees or on the back of the legs;
  • sometimes there are "dull" pain, and a strange weight on the touch of the skin causes pain;
  • vessels gradually spread, and darker, more and more clearly visible under the skin;
  • the formation of "spider veins", veins thicken, bend, they are easy to test;
  • the swelling, stretching of the ankle, the lower part of the legs, and sometimes feet swell even;
  • after walking the person becomes fatigued, the legs are "buzzing", there is weakness of the muscles.

Important! Signs of early stage of varicose veins many. Why do people delay visit to the doctor? There is not enough money for the treatment, and the other during the third wishes. Sometimes a combination of all these factors.

Lack of treatment causes progression of the disease:

  • the skin of the Shin darken and become thicker;
  • in the difficult opening of the long non-healing ulcers;
  • deterioration in the nutrition of the epidermis, the skin becomes drier, wrinkled.

Acute phase:

  • unbearable pain legs at different times of the day;
  • weakness;
  • the temperature increase;
  • sometimes, when you open up the venous plexus bleeding. This phenomenon is more common at night.

Possible complications

What happens if you neglect the treatment and prevention of varicose veins peripheral vascular? Advanced cases cause a lot of suffering patients. Develop serious complications.

The most dangerous variant – the inability of normal blood flow, the development of gangrene, amputation of limb (s). Think about it!

The most common complications are:

  • thrombophlebitis in the acute phase;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bleeding from the affected nodes.

General advice and rules of treatment

How to treat varicose veins? The success of the therapy largely depends on the attitude of the patient, to the doctor's recommendations. Without the assistance of an experienced phlebologist can not be done. This is a pretty rare speciality, try to find a good doctor.

Tune in to the long-term treatment. To restore the health of your veins more difficult than to remove the symptoms of varicose veins.

varicose enlargement of the veins

Remember the basic rules:

  • move more. To deal with venous stagnation helps morning exercises, walking, Cycling, swimming;
  • try to lose weight;
  • refrain from strenuous exercise, resistance training, running, jumping;
  • in the initial stage, wear compression stockings, particularly elastic bandages;
  • most let the legs rest, raising the legs with the use of a low pillow;
  • excellent "disperse" blood simple exercise. Lie on your back, with bent knees, imitate the Cycling for a minute or two.

Important! A change of diet. Healthy blood vessels in those who eat vegetables, vegetables, fruits, fruit, dairy products, bread from wheat flour, drink enough fluids. Fatty, salty, smoked food, lots of bread, cheap pasta reduces vascular tone, increases the risk of thrombosis.

Listen to these tips:

  • after a long time to stay on the feet, where possible, to seat. Before starting work, during a break, apply for feet refreshing gel, ointment against varicose veins. The drugs will remove the inevitable swelling, improve circulation of the blood;
  • in connection with the field work at the computer or driving vehicles, every hour get up, walk around the room. As often as possible out of the car. So to warn you, not only varicose veins but hemorrhoids;
  • remember: spend the whole day standing, but still in high heels – is harmful. If the job suits you, and make sure to make a rest for the feet. Remove at least 10 minutes to chill, sit or walk barefoot. Otherwise, the treasure will have ugly varicose veins, a disease, you need to completely forget about the beautiful shoes and heels;
  • during pregnancy wear special bandage to reduce the pressure on the cardiovascular system. On the recommendation of the doctor to wear special elastic stockings to reduce venous stasis.
injection of varicose veins

Folk remedies and recipes

The initial stage of varicose veins successfully treated with homemade ointments, compresses, lotions, other natural products and medicinal herbs. The most important thing – desire of the patient, the regularity of the procedures.

The treatment of varicose veins folk remedies at home. Tested recipes:

  • the foot bath. To relieve fatigue after a hard day, to reduce swelling will help to add in the sea salt water, decoction of chamomile, mint, succession, yarrow. The tone of the blood vessels a few drops of essential oil of geranium, lemon, mint, rosemary. The duration is 30 minutes. The water should be warm, closer to cool;
  • compresses with a decoction of sage, yarrow, chamomile, marigold, mint. All herbs take 1 spoon, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes, strain. Moist gauze will be applied to tired legs. Change compresses 2-3 times drying of the liquid;
  • tincture of flowers of lilac and chestnut. Collect fresh color, fold in a quart jar 2 tablespoons each of raw materials, pour a good vodka. Insist 2 weeks in darkness. Daily, several times a day feet the healing tincture;
  • tomatoes varicose veins. In the juicy pulp of tomatoes is a substance lycopene, which strengthens the blood vessels. Cycle of tomatoes through a meat grinder, put the weight on the cheesecloth, wrap the patients feet. Keep a couple hours, nothing less. Simple way: cut the tomatoes, the halves of the legs from the top to the bottom. A good treatment of varicose nodules. After a half hour you will feel free;
  • Apple infusion. Need variety "Antonovka". Slice four large apples, pour a liter of boiling water, cover your saucepan. After 4 hours the infusion is ready. Crush the fruit. In the morning and in the evening, take 1/3 Cup of infusion with a teaspoon of honey.

Modern treatments

Moderate and advanced cases are treated using the latest techniques. In force:

  • microflebractomy (affected veins are removed through punctures in the skin);
  • sclerotherapy (patients vessels treated with the introduction of special drugs);
  • laser therapy (removal of the damaged areas and the treatment of veins by laser);
  • thermocoagulation (in the course of the procedure, is removed vascular mesh).

Preventive recommendations

Doctors ' recommendations:

  • for a long time do not sit or stand in the course of the working day;
  • periodically sit down or, on the contrary, to give up and to move around;
  • follow the diet;
  • weight control;
  • do not wear high heels constantly;
  • rarely lift weights;
  • strengthen the elasticity of blood vessels moderate exercise, water procedures;
  • take vitamin supplements;
  • when tired feet, every night not toning baths with nutrients;
  • the cleansing of the blood with the help of natural compounds.
laser therapy