Varicose veins in the legs: causes and treatment methods for varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower extremities require immediate action at the beginning of the development of the pathological process. For the successful treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies, therapists recommend the use of infusions, decoctions, substances for topical application. Medicine does not approve of home remedies, arguing that early forms of foot disease can be better treated with diet and official medicine, and that effective home remedies have not been clinically tested.

herbal infusions


Alternative medicine recommends getting rid of problem veins with all the available home remedies and formal remedies. A neglected disease of the lower extremities can be fatal. At the end of treatment, effective folk remedies are influenced by the level of severity and complexity of the course of the disease.

The appearance of primary reddish spider veins is not considered by most patients. The early stages require the use of local homemade recipes - foot baths, ointments and compresses. Complex course of varicose veins, from the point of view of medicine, requires surgery. In this case, folk recipes can reduce the swelling of the leg tissues, suppress inflammatory reactions and improve the general condition of the dance.

Any homemade prescription can not completely replace medicines, but they can improve their useful properties. Effective results means download:

  • restores the unstable operation of the valve device.
  • improve the density and elasticity of the veins in the lower extremities.
  • Prevention of blood clots in the veins of the legs.
  • decrease in the level of blood coagulation, increase in the speed of movement through the veins of the lower extremities.
  • swelling reduction, removal of excess fluid by oral administration of diuretics
  • relief from inflammation of the veins of the legs.

Alternative medicine home remedies should not contain toxic elements. It's easy to make yourself. They can be stored in cool rooms for a long time. Effective recipes are remarkable for availability and low cost - accessories can be grown on a personal plot or a windowsill in an apartment.

An additional measure of effectiveness is diet.


The useful properties of home remedies for treating varicose veins in the lower extremities are:

  • affordable total cost for homemade ointments, creams, decoctions, infusions and compresses.
  • lack of substances capable of causing symptomatic signs of local or systemic intoxication of the body - only natural ingredients are used.
  • Home remedies can be stored for a calendar year and dried herbal ingredients can be stored for up to two years.
  • individual herbs are located nearby, which makes it possible not to spend material resources to buy them, but to collect them yourself.

Solving the problem of leg vein patients with the help of home methods is considered effective and widely available to all social strata of the population.

Folk recipes

Home medicine makes extensive use of herbal remedies against varicose veins, which allows you to combine traditional and alternative directions. All known techniques are conventionally subdivided into:

  • in general - oral intake of decoction and herbal infusions, application of ointments on the lower extremities, diet.
  • topical - the effect of certain drugs on certain areas damaged by the disease.

Decoctions, the basis for foot baths are prepared independently and do not cause difficulties to patients. Home medicine experts pay attention to the need to strictly adhere to the proportions and rules for the preparation of recipes - the violation of technology will reduce the effective properties of substances, will not give the opportunity to achieve the desired results.


In case of concomitant pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, unstable renal function, it is necessary to consult a venologist. The wrong approach to diet can lead to a worsening of the course of recurrent diseases.


The fruit has an effective quality - the ingredients stimulate blood circulation, suppress inflammatory reactions in the veins of the legs. The homemade recipe is one of the simplest.

Wholemeal kernels are ground in a coffee grinder, one third of a teaspoon is poured into a glass of fresh boiling water. Cool to room temperature, add a little natural honey and leave for 20 minutes. Drink the infusion in the morning, before the first meal. Fresh walnut powder is prepared daily to prevent the disappearance of essential oils. Violation of technology will reduce the effectiveness of the recipe.
  • The second recipe involves the use of alcohol - one liter of high quality vodka is taken for 200 grams of crushed nuts. After mixing in a suitable container, the prepared substance is sent for infusion for 10 days. The final medication is used three times a day, 20 drops. The duration of treatment should not exceed three calendar months.
  • Podmore bee and honey

    The solution to the problem of affected veins in the lower extremities is achieved with an effective prescription from home medicine:

    • A layer of natural honey is applied to the fabric, which is applied to the diseased veins. From above, the lower ends are covered with quality polyethylene, the bandage is held in place with a bandage. On the first day of treatment, the compress is kept on the feet for two hours, the second - for three hours, the third - four. In the future, the honey compress is left on the feet overnight. The total time of the method includes two to three weeks.
    • Alcoholic tincture of bee worm is prepared according to a proven effective recipe: a tablespoon of the substance is poured with 200 ml of vodka, infused in a dark room with low humidity for three weeks. Used three times a day, 20 drops each. The course of treatment does not exceed two weeks, the algorithm is repeated after a break of two weeks.


    Varicose veins on the lower extremities are treated with oral or topical plant-based products.

    • Ginger tea allows you to prevent inflammation of the veins of the legs, to treat them at any level of damage, it is suitable for diet. A small part is separated from the ginger root, filled with hot water, kept for 15 minutes. The final drink can be used as a substitute for homemade tea. It has an effective effect on the body's metabolic processes - treatment is necessary for those patients in whom the disease of the veins of the lower extremities has developed in the context of overweight or obesity of varying degrees.
    • Squeeze ginger from the arsenal of home medicine - the plant is crushed as much as possible, mixed with natural honey. The final mixture is applied to the affected area of ​​the leg veins, protected with polyethylene and covered with a warm blanket on top. It is forbidden to keep the bandage on the lower extremities for more than four hours.


    An effective recipe for varicose veins in the legs involves applying a compress or special fortified drink. Home Medicine recommends:

    • Fresh berries are crushed in a wet state, the mixture is spread on a cloth. The compress is applied to the inflamed veins and secured with a sterile bandage. The manipulation is performed at night, the bandage remains on the lower extremity at night.
    • Homemade viburnum fruit drink is represented by juice mixed with natural honey. For two large spoons, take half a liter of juice, use 40 ml, four times a day, no more than a month and a half.


    Home medicine prefers to use the leaves to suppress inflammation in the veins of the legs. The plant is used as a base for compression. The recipe is not very difficult to complete.

    Gently beat the cabbage leaf until soft vegetable oil is spread on the inside. After application to the problematic veins of the lower extremities, it is fixed with a bandage and left for 24 hours. The operation is repeated daily. The course of treatment includes 30 procedures.


    Home medicine experts recommend the use of green tomato fruit as a basis for effective recipes for the treatment of sore veins.

    The fruit is cut in half, the pulp is applied to the problem areas and kept until a burning sensation develops. After the procedure, the treatment area is washed with cold water. Then the second half of the vegetable is applied to the area. The operation is repeated four times.

    Continuous application of the recipe will allow you to be convinced of the result achieved in three weeks - the curved veins will open and the knots in the lower extremities will become softer.

    Apple cider vinegar

    In the field of home medicine, vinegar solution treatment is one of the most effective and popular methods for treating leg veins. The positive properties are associated with the large amount of minerals and elements of vitamins contained in it, which are necessarily damaged veins of the lower extremities. Regular use of the simplest recipe in the form of lubrication of the skin areas allows you to receive:

    • improve skin elasticity.
    • strengthening of the vascular walls?
    • relief from tissue swelling.
    • stabilization of blood circulation in the legs.


    Alternative medicine warns that better quality vinegar is made from fruit juice and not from the peel. A high quality solution will allow you to achieve the expected result faster.


    Affected veins of the lower extremities are treated with lemon, both orally and topically. Effective recipes are presented:

    • Compression - the fruit is cut into uniform circles, applied to the inflamed veins of the legs and fastened to the top with a bandage or specialized paper. The treatment is carried out throughout the day, for handling there is a triple change of lemon.
    • Juice - the substance belongs to effective recipes for cleansing the veins, with the help of which they increase their elasticity. The fruit is suitable for both relief and prophylaxis. Six ripe lemons get rid of the peel, squeeze the juice. The drink is added three leaves of golden mouth, five cloves of garlic, half a kilo of bee honey. After mixing to a homogeneous composition, the mixture is kept for one calendar week in a dark room. The pharmaceutical composition is consumed in 25 grams, once a day, for the entire calendar month.


    Contains a large amount of nutrients and trace elements that are essential for the body. To treat dilated leg veins, pulp is used, from which the seeds are removed. Rub the entire surface of the lower limbs with it, wrap it with warm material and leave until morning. It is allowed to store the medicine in a refrigerator. The pumpkin recipe is effective but takes a long time to use. Particularly useful in the diet.


    Potato mass is used in home medicine as a compress for the veins of the lower extremities. Several tubers are washed under running water, peeled and crushed on a medium grater. The root layer at the lower extremities should not exceed one centimeter.

    The gauze is wrapped around the top, which is also soaked in potato juice. The bandage is on the feet for about four hours.


    A homemade recipe requires fresh potatoes, not old ones.

    Apple Adam

    The product is suitable for making ointment. The melted bacon fat is placed in a glass container with a layer of 15 mm. On top, spread the sliced ​​Adam's apple. The melted fat is applied again over the wrist. The alternative filling allows you to fill the box up to the neck. The last layer will be the fat that has melted from the lard.

    The full container is placed in a steam bath or oven for one day. Its contents should not boil. After the end of cooking, the mixture is cooled, filtered and rubbed with problematic leg veins twice a day.


    Home medicine considers that the bulb itself is not an effective ingredient of the root vegetable, but its bark. There are many recipes for treating dilated leg veins.

    • pre-chopped two large spoons of peel are poured with half a glass of vodka, kept for a week, filtered and consumed 20 drops, three times a day, 15 minutes before eating.
    • two tablespoons are poured with two cups of boiling water, kept under a tightly closed lid for at least six hours, filtered and consumed in a quarter of a glass, three times daily before meals.

    The treatment of problematic veins of the lower extremities lasts ten days.


    The substance has a valuable property - it is able to get rid of stagnation and dissolve tumor formations. In the early stages of the development of leg vein disease, an effective recipe for an ointment and an oral product is recommended.

    • One part of the mummy is mixed with five parts of cosmetic Vaseline until soft. The final substance is gently rubbed into the painful veins of the legs, up to three times a day. You can rinse off the excess ointment only one hour after application.
    • A small piece of Altai resin, not exceeding the size of a head, is mixed with a large spoonful of bee honey and the same amount of milk. The drug is used in the morning and evening of the calendar month.


    Suitable as a base for a compression bandage. The home recipe for making another effective remedy for varicose veins includes: take a medium-sized fruit with white skin, chop finely. Butter is added to this percentage the ratio of ingredients is one to two. At night, the veins of the lower extremities affected by inflammation are smeared with a mixture and covered with compression paper on top. The rest of the medicine is rinsed off in the morning. The procedure is repeated daily for several weeks. contract.


    Plant lotions can help reduce the inflammatory response. To prepare them, you need 30 grams of chopped herbs, a glass of boiling water. The prepared mixture is sent on a low heat and kept on it for ten minutes.

    After cooling, gauze or cotton wipes are soaked in the broth, wrapped around the lower extremities. A terrier towel is placed on top, the legs are raised. After half an hour, the operation can be completed.

    Fish Oil

    Oral administration of the product is used to stabilize metabolic processes and reduce body mass indexes. The application allows you to get rid of congestion in the lower extremities.

    To make the outfit, take the substance and the natural honey in equal proportions. The substance is stirred until a homogeneous mass is achieved, applied to linen napkins and covered with sore feet. The procedure takes place in the evening. It is compressed only in the morning.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Treatment of lysis with one of the home remedies is subject to the following requirements:

    • Oral hydrogen peroxide intake begins with a drop diluted in three tablespoons of clean drinking water. Each day, the level of concentration of the substance increases by one unit until the mark of 10 drops is reached. NEXT Do a period of three days and the treatment proceeds according to the algorithm: two consecutive days, after three rest.
    • Intravenous drip injections require the use of 0. 15 perhydrol solution. With its help, the walls of the leg veins are cleaned. A single dose should not exceed a volume of 250 ml.


    Sea salt in effective home remedies is used to make compresses and foot baths. The substance is diluted with a liquid to obtain the consistency of a liquid porridge. The mixture is applied to the lower extremities, fastened on top with a bandage. The compress is changed several times during the day - it is forbidden to hold a bandage on your feet for more than four hours.

    Another recipe requires cooling the prepared liquid mixture in the refrigerator and applying bandages only in the morning. The compression is maintained until the sea salt is heated, its residues are removed with running water. Applying the recommendations will allow you to avoid irritation of the dermis of the lower extremities.

    An effective prescription requires several months of treatment - the effect will be visible after the first 30 days.


    Clay has high effects on varicose veins. Used as an appliqué.

    The substance is diluted with the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the lower extremities two centimeters thick. From above, the legs are wrapped in a towel or warm cloth. The duration of the process is several hours, after which clay remains are rinsed with warm water.

    Manipulations are performed daily for a month and a half. At the end of the treatment, they are replaced with liquid wrappers, the base of which is a solution of clay.


    The blue version of clay is considered the best and most effective treatment among other varieties.

    Laundry soap

    Home medicine offers a recipe for treating dilated leg veins with a laundry soap. 200 grams of detergent are cut with a meat grinder. The same amount of old lard, millet groats and onions are added to them.

    The mixture is made into a homogeneous ointment and kept for 24 hours. The final drug is spread on the lower extremities, covered with a linen cloth and plastic wrap on top. The bandage lasts all night.


    Home Medicine offers a baking soda recipe. Hot water is poured into a large bowl, in which are dissolved two hundred grams of the substance, seventy grams of alum. The feet are placed in the bath, hold for 15 minutes. The treatment algorithm involves periodic procedures - the baths are used for two days, one day is given for a break. In this sequence, two weeks are treated.

    Shared bathrooms are allowed. The concentration of the formulation remains the same. After taking it, the body is dried with spots with a soft towel.


    The iodine grid is applied according to the standard treatment principle for colds. A cotton swab is immersed in 5% iodine solution and straight lines are applied directly to the problem areas of the feet over a period of one centimeter. I am sitting in stripes.

    The grid runs in the afternoon.


    Check for spontaneous allergies before handling.

    A small line is applied to a healthy area of ​​skin, maintained for 60 minutes. The absence of redness, itching and rashes allows an effective method of treatment.


    Alcoholic chestnut tincture helps fight varicose veins in the lower extremities. The finely chopped walnuts are poured with a solution of 96% alcohol, in a ratio of one to three parts, and kept for three weeks. After filtration, the substance is applied to sauces.

    The compression material is moistened in solution, compressed and placed in the problem area of ​​the veins of the lower extremities. The upper part is covered with adhesive film and thick fabric. The treatment lasts half an hour. After that, the feet are covered with a warm blanket.

    The treatment is performed every other day, in the evening, for one to two calendar months. Conditions can be increased if necessary.


    Home medicine offers a variety of methods for using burdock leaves.

    • Woodlice is placed on the painful veins of the legs, the burdock is placed on top and fastened with a bandage. The leaves are replaced every two hours and the wood lice are replaced after wilting. The weekly lesson helps relieve discomfort in the lower extremities.
    • The burdock is placed in a hot kettle to increase its temperature. The inside is applied to the affected veins, in a previously placed bandage. The sheet is fastened with a bandage, left overnight. The treatment includes five manipulations, produced in one day.


    The medical bandage or gauze is moistened in vegetable juice and applied to the varicose area. The bandage lasts four hours, the treatment is carried out for a week. After a break of ten days, the algorithm can be repeated. Home medicine advises behavioral therapy courses with fresh ficelin juice.

    Fern with sour milk

    Three tablespoons of herbal ingredients are mixed with an equal amount of sour milk. The final mixture is evenly distributed on a cotton cloth or gauze, the compress is placed on the problematic veins of the legs. The bandage is removed after three hours, the lower extremities are washed under running water. An effective recipe is used before bedtime.


    Half a spoonful of homemade yogurt is added to a handful of carefully chopped wormwood. The prepared substance is distributed in gauze, applied to the veins of the lower extremities. A film and a woolen handkerchief are placed on top. The legs are lifted using a small roller. The treatment takes place for five consecutive days. After two weeks of rest, the procedure can be repeated.

    According to the second recipe, two tablespoons of homemade yogurt are mixed with chopped eight absinthe stems. The bandage is applied twice a day for 10 days.


    Two tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with four hundred milliliters of fresh boiling water, boiled on fire for 15 minutes. After cooling, filter and consume four times a day, half a glass. Treatment is carried out until the clinical manifestations disappear completely. illnesses. The broth is used as an adjunct to the treatment of weak veins of the lower extremities.


    A half-liter jar is filled with a chopped leaf of a plant, poured with vodka around the neck and tightly. The mixture is sent to a dark room for a week, after which the substance is filtered and used as a solution to treat problem areas of the leg veins. The operation takes place every night of the calendar month. An effective recipe reduces the volume of inflamed veins.

    Arnica and White acacia

    Two settings are created at the same time. Its composition is a mixture of flowers and acacia leaves, in a volume of 50 grams and vodka - 400 grams. The second contains 100 grams of arnica and one liter of 70% alcohol solution. After preparing the mixture, close the lid tightly and incubate in a dark place for twelve days.

    The prepared drug is filtered and the two tinctures are mixed together. During the procedures, the solution is rubbed daily into the damaged veins, at night, for a month.

    Carrot top tea

    A tablespoon of chopped tops is poured into a glass of fresh boiling water, infused under a lid, with a thick towel for an hour. The drink is consumed three times a day, a full glass, thirty minutes before eating.

    White willow bark

    Two tablespoons of willow bark are poured with two glasses of boiling water, kept on low heat for 15 minutes. The broth is cooled to a warm state, filtered, used for one third of the glass three times a day. The total treatment time does not exceed two months. The use of the substance as a base for compresses is allowed.


    Thirty grams of broken kernels are poured into 300 ml of hot boiling water, kept for six hours. The filtered agent is used half a cup, 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.